There are many new events in November.

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Dear parishioners of our temple and guests!

In November 2019, some changes will occur in the schedule of worship of our temple. Please pay attention to some events that will be held in our church, namely:

November 2 (Saturday) – at 17:30 a memorial service and evening worship will be held.

November 3 (Sunday) 2019 – No Divine Liturgy will be held in the Church of Christ the Savior, priest Aleksei Popkov and parishioners are invited that day to the feast in the Serbian church, located at 75 The Parade, Island Bay, Wellington. The service in the Serbian church will begin at 9:30. After the service, a concert and a festive meal will take place.

November 4 (Monday) – Divine Liturgy at 7:30 in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

November 9 (Saturday) – at 9:30 a service will be held in the Anglican Church of Masterton.

November 9 (Saturday) – at 17:30 a memorial service and evening service will take place.
November 10 (Sunday) – Divine Liturgy at 9:30, after which Father Alexander Skorik plans to service on this day with his father Aleksei Popkov in the Church of Christ the Savior, Wellington. After the service, Father Alexander will hold a conversation with parishioners in the parish hall.

November 16 (Saturday) – there will be no service. You can visit another temple on this day. Check the schedule of Orthodox churches in Wellington: Greek, Romanian, Serbian.
November 17 (Sunday) – there will be no service. See the schedule of services in other temples at the links above.

November 23 (Saturday) – At 11:00, the collection of funds for the needs of the Russian church in Wellington will begin. The program of this event: sale of various things (Garage sale); music programm; cooking and eating borscht; exhibition and sale of works by the photographer Alexei Kulikov; exhibition and sale of works by Russian-speaking artists; fair with delicious products. Location: 62 Darlington road, Miramar.
November 23 (Saturday) – a memorial service and evening service will be held at 17:30.
November 24 (Sunday) – Divine Liturgy at 9:30

November 30 (Saturday) – at 17:30 a memorial service and evening service will be held.

Further services will be held as usual, according to the schedule.
